Friday, November 6, 2009

ROAR says the little lion

Obviously my updating this blog weekly isn't exactly working out. But...for those of you that have or have had at one point a toddler, then you understand why I haven't had a lot of free time to update our blog. That is one reason I've been slack...the other reason is because I have been very consumed with! I am saving so much money it is ridiculous! I get so excited every time I go grocery shopping, I call my closest friends, sister and mom to share with them how much I saved. This week (I know you must be wondering...), I spent $86 at Publix, but only paid $28! Crazy...I know! I am a walking advertisement.

Anyhow...back to the blog. So this month was a busy one. I took Little Morris, Bree and Bradley to the Pumpkin Patch, and they loved it. They had a lot of fun there. They even got to go on a hayride, and I think that was the most exciting for them.

For halloween, Little Morris was a Lion. And we taught him to ROAR, and it was sooo cute! Cutest little lion I've ever seen! :) He was so cute trick-or-treating. I wasn't sure that he would get the whole concept, but after 2 houses, he had it down! He held his little pumpkin bucket in his left hand, and would hold his right hand out for the candy! I tried to get him to hold out his bucket, but I think maybe he thought that they would take his candy, because he refused. It was cute though. He didn't want anyone to carry him. He kept up with Bree and Bradley for the most part, and just ran his little heart out! He was definitely tuckered out by the time we had finished!

We also went to the fair! He loved the Merry-Go-Round. It was the first and last thing we did at the fair. The first time, he enjoyed it, and he got a little upset when he realized it was over and I was taking him off. Well, everyone went to get some last minute fair food, and while we waited, I decided to take Little Morris on the Merry-Go-Round for one last ride. Well, this time, he screamed when I tried to take him off, he latched his little legs around that horse, and held on so tight to the pole, that I had to literally pry his hands off. He did love it though! He and his daddy won a stuffed animal playing one of those little water gun games where you have to shoot the target. I was surprised because Little Morris was in Morris' lap trying to grab at the water squirter, but they still won! Yippee!

Little Morris is keeping us very busy, but we are so thankful that we were blessed with him! It is difficult to imagine or even remember life before him. He is constantly making us smile and laugh. He is a very particular little guy, but I think that he must get that from me. And he knows what he wants and when he wants it...and i guess that probably comes from me too!

What is going on with me and daddy? There really isn't a whole lot new going on for us. We are getting excited for our upcoming cruise in December. Excited, but also very nervous about leaving my baby for 7 days! I know he will be in good hands...but I also know I am going to miss him like crazy...probably more than he will miss us! I am also headed to day shift in the near future. No definite time yet, but it seems like it might happen soon! I am very excited about this. Again, nervous, because Little Morris will have to go to daycare, but I know it will be better for our family in the long run. I can't wait to have the weekends to spend together as a family. I know that daycare will be difficult for Little Morris in the begining, but before I know it, I'm sure he will be waving bye-bye, and saying, "I don't wanna go home yet!" He is just such a momma's boy that I worry. He is just so used to it being just the two of us during the week, and he is VERY dependent on mommy. I know that the socialization will be good for him, etc. but I'm still nervous. So please keep us in your prayers and pray for a smooth (or as smooth as possible) transition when the time comes.

We love you all, and hope that you enjoy the pictures below...there alot! I just couldn't choose! That is what happens when you have such a good-lookin' boy! :)

Gettin' ready for Halloween with his ghost pj's. The little ghost on the shirt glow in the dark! Pumpkin Patch - left to right: Bradley, Ava, Gavin, Little Morris and Breana I LOVE this picture! The story is this - Breana and Bradley were at my house and they wanted to feed the ducks. I gave them bread and let them jump over the fence to go feed them. And there is Little Morris, just looking over and watching...probably saying to himself "I wanna come...." So sweet!
Pumpkin carving time. Luckily, my wonderful husband cleaned out the inside (I don't like the goo). And apparently Little Morris doesn't like the guts of the pumpkin either because he refused to grab any of it!

Gotta love those Mema's!
Loving on his daddy!
He has recently decided to boycott the highchair. I guess he thinks that he is a BIG BOY now, and likes to eat at the big table!
Happy Halloween from the Ferocious Lion! PS - check out our pumpkin in the is a ghost with the word "boo"

The fair...and the infamous Merry-Go-Round!
Mema and Poppy fed him anything that he wanted...and he loved the chocolate ice cream.
The teddy bear that Little and Big Morris won!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Short update and pictures

Hey everyone! I hope all is well on your end! All is great over this way. This will just be a short blog because there isn't really a whole lot to update everyone on...just some fun pictures really. Only thing new from the last blog is that Little Morris was sick ALL last week! 3 doctor visits in 1 1/2 weeks! He had a virus called Roseola. This particular virus has a name because after they run fevers of 102-103ish (which he did for 3 days!), they then develop a rash that looks like little red dots. He got them on his face and only stayed for a few days and the rash didn't seem to bother him. I was just glad the fevers were gone and he was sleeping again! Boy how fast we forget what those first few weeks without sleep are like...well he reminded me for a week straight. He is finally feeling better, sleeping better, and back on his normal schedule! Thank goodness...most of you know how I go with our schedules!

So here are a few cute pictures for you to enjoy!

Helping daddy cut the grass! How cute right?!
"The Hammer"! I told you all I would put up some pictures from Bree's softball season. Unfortunately, this was the only salvagable one I had...the rest were blurry, etc...but I will get more soon. PS - these two are like 2 peas in a pod when they are around each other. He clings to her and she loves it. She is such a good big cousin. I know Little Morris must be missing his cousins now that school is back in and they don't see each other often.
Bradley hangin with his fav big cousin! He really does look up to Bradley...and copies EVERYTHING that Bradley does! So cute.
Just hangin' out at home with mommy.

I guess that is it for now. friend Mandy did have her baby. A little girl - Lorelei Grace. 8lb, 1oz. She is sooo beautiful. I have met her and just love her to death already! She is sooo sweet...kinda sets the baby fever into motion when you smell and hold a brand new baby...but then you go home to your BIG baby...and think...I do want more...but I think I'll wait a little while on that one. I'll just enjoy Mandy's for the time being. I'll post pictures when I get the ok from her!

Take care! XOXOXO
The White Family

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Seeing Frogs

Little Morris had his 15mth well visit on Tuesday. His percentiles have dropped a little, but he is still a perfectly healthy boy. He is 25lbs, which is the 60th percentile, and 31 inches which is the 50th percentile. We are still battling constipation, which our pediatrician says we may battle for a while longer, but in the mean time I give him miralax daily. He wasn't very happy when we left though. He had to get 4 SHOTS! One was the flu shot. Poor baby! He must have been thinking...why is mommy letting them do this to me. It breaks my heart every time he has to get shots!

Here are a few recent pictures that I took of him today:
Pointing to his belly!
Pointing to his eyes!
Poor baby fell asleep eating his chicken nuggets! "Just let me go to sleep momma!" And yes...we were still in PJ's at lunch time!
I told you he LOVES his Elmo!

Hey! So I finally finished Little Morris' froggie bathroom! I must is very cute! It took me a little longer than I wanted, but I finally got it done. Little Morris loves it too! Every time he goes into the bathroom he gets this big smile across his face. And if you ask him "where are your frogs?" or tell him to show someone his frogs, he takes them into his bathroom, stands on his rug, points to the frog and makes this little sound like he is saying "see!" It is so cute. Here are a few pics:

I think that is about it for now. But I'll update again soon. Bree starts Softball games on Monday, so I'll be sure to put up some pics of the MVP when I get some!

Love you lots!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Oh My!

Still trying to figure out this whole blog thing people! Be patient with me. I'm sorry the family picture of us is absolutely enormous...but I'm having issues with uploading right now and resizing...I'll get it figured out soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

And so we enter the World of Blogging

Hey family and friends. I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I'm gonna give it a shot. I follow so many other people's blogs, so I figure...why not join them! I thought that this would be an easy way for everyone to keep up with The White Family. My hope and expectation would be to update this weekly to keep everyone up-to-date. We'll see what happens!

So...let's get started then. What is going on now? What isn't going on?! Life seems more hectic and busy than ever. I guess that comes with having a child! I can only imagine how busy and hectic things may be with more than one child, school, homework, hobbies, athletic activities, etc...makes me tired just thinking about it. I haven't been up to anything interesting lately. Still working night shift on the weekends (waiting to get off that shift to go to day shift). And as many of you know, I stay home with my little stinky man during the week. Ohhh...I did just start painting and decorating Little Morris' is sooo cute. I'll post pictures on here when I finish it completely and when I figure out how to post pictures ;) Morris is still working at Palmetto Paint Specialties (with dad and Tommy) and he works part-time at the Country Club of Charleston. He's been busy too with work and being a daddy...and my "honey-do" lists seem to keep him busy as well. And now for the one that everyone is most interested in hearing about...Tank Man! Little Morris is in Florida right now with his grandparents visiting with MG's (Morris' mom) sister Lydia. I miss him like CRAZY. They left on Friday and will be home on Tuesday. I knew going into it that I would miss him...and probably cry at some point...but I didn't know that as soon as they pulled away that I would burst into tears sobbing hysterically! Morris must have thought that I lost a limb by the way that I was sobbing into the phone with him! I know that he is safe and will be well taken care of...and VERY SPOILED...but just knowing that he is sooo far away breaks my heart. I miss his little sweet hugs and kisses, his chubby little legs and cheeks, his sweet voice that calls "mamamamama" and our cuddle time! I keep reminding myself that this is good. He needs time away from mommy, as much as I hate it, so that he can learn to trust and be around others more. He is definitely a "momma's boy." And for those of you who don't have the priviledge (LOL) of seeing him often, let me tell you a little something about him! He is VERY busy! Sometimes I am exhausted and wonder how he is still going! He is a typical boy...he has a new cut, bump, scrap, bruise everytime you turn around. He likes bugs (ewww he must get that from his daddy) and I understand that we will be adopting a new member to our family...a yucky, icky grasshopper that Lydia is sending home with him from Florida. Apparently he has taken a liking to this bug and carries it around with him (in it's jar of course). Little Morris loves to be outside. He LOVES the water. It can be the beach, pool, sprinkler, name it, if it is wet...he loves it! If it makes a MESS...he loves it! He likes to climb over/under everything. He often gets stuck in places, like behind the headboard of my bed or under a bed, because he HAS to crawl/climb behind/under everything. He gets stuck under the cabinets at times as Morris installed some nifty latches to keep him out! He LOVES Little Bit...and often calls for him "Billll Bit!" It is sooo cute. He always shares his food with him too...not always a good thing! He loves books...especially the "How Big is Baby Elmo" book. We must read it at least 3 times a day. I can actually recite the entire book, word for word, without looking! Sometimes when I am trying to get something done...I will start reading it out loud (without the book in front of me) just to entertain him long enough for me to finish something! Obviously, he really likes Elmo as well. But what does he LOVE the most? Ummmm, let me think about that one...he loves his mommy and daddy the most...OF COURSE!

So that is all I really have to update you all on for now. I promise to give this blog a whole hearted chance at survival! :) We'll see how it goes.

And PS - Mandy...this is the week to have baby would be great if you could go into labor at the begining of the week...since I work weekends. Thanks! Pass that info along to baby Lorelei for me! :)

We Love you all!