Monday, September 28, 2009

Short update and pictures

Hey everyone! I hope all is well on your end! All is great over this way. This will just be a short blog because there isn't really a whole lot to update everyone on...just some fun pictures really. Only thing new from the last blog is that Little Morris was sick ALL last week! 3 doctor visits in 1 1/2 weeks! He had a virus called Roseola. This particular virus has a name because after they run fevers of 102-103ish (which he did for 3 days!), they then develop a rash that looks like little red dots. He got them on his face and only stayed for a few days and the rash didn't seem to bother him. I was just glad the fevers were gone and he was sleeping again! Boy how fast we forget what those first few weeks without sleep are like...well he reminded me for a week straight. He is finally feeling better, sleeping better, and back on his normal schedule! Thank goodness...most of you know how I go with our schedules!

So here are a few cute pictures for you to enjoy!

Helping daddy cut the grass! How cute right?!
"The Hammer"! I told you all I would put up some pictures from Bree's softball season. Unfortunately, this was the only salvagable one I had...the rest were blurry, etc...but I will get more soon. PS - these two are like 2 peas in a pod when they are around each other. He clings to her and she loves it. She is such a good big cousin. I know Little Morris must be missing his cousins now that school is back in and they don't see each other often.
Bradley hangin with his fav big cousin! He really does look up to Bradley...and copies EVERYTHING that Bradley does! So cute.
Just hangin' out at home with mommy.

I guess that is it for now. friend Mandy did have her baby. A little girl - Lorelei Grace. 8lb, 1oz. She is sooo beautiful. I have met her and just love her to death already! She is sooo sweet...kinda sets the baby fever into motion when you smell and hold a brand new baby...but then you go home to your BIG baby...and think...I do want more...but I think I'll wait a little while on that one. I'll just enjoy Mandy's for the time being. I'll post pictures when I get the ok from her!

Take care! XOXOXO
The White Family

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