Morris and I had been talking about getting pregnant again, but at this point Morris was 20 months old and a HAND FULL! So, we kept putting it off. Well, God had other plans, and on March 14th, I had a positive pregnancy test. So, yes, we were a little surprised, but so excited at the same time. I think planning pregnancy is difficult, because there will always be a reason on why you should wait, because there will always be something going on. Anyway, we waited no time to start telling everyone. I, of course, hoped for a girl. While Morris on the other hand was praying for a boy. He always said that having a girl would make him crazy for the simple fact that he knew he would be very protective of her. It isn't that he felt like he wouldn't love a girl, he was just scared of the thought of having a girl and having to "ward" off boys one day!
My first ultrasound was scheduled for April 14th (when I would be approximately 8 weeks or so). Well on Saturday, March 27, 2010, I started to have spotting and bleeding. I called my mom at 11:30pm in tears and told her what was happening. I, of course, looked up my symptoms online, and thought that I could be miscarrying because I also had some cramping, but no significant pain. I called the on-call doctor on Sunday, which happened to be my OBGYN, and he told me to come in Monday. I did. He told me that 6 weeks is still early to find a heart beat, but that we would take a look. Well, to our relief, he found a weak heart beat. So, without getting our hopes up too high, he told us that it would basically be a waiting game until my 8 week appointment. And almost as suddenly as I started spotting, it disappeared 1 day after that initial appointment. That made me feel better, but I still knew that I had to wait 2 more weeks before I could see another heart beat.
On March 31, 2010, my mom and dad took us all to Disney. We were there for 5 days and had a blast! Little Morris LOVED it...he didn't care much for the life size characters, but he did have alot of fun.
April rolled around, and Morris and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary and we also had another doctor's appointment. They found a strong heart beat, I hadn't had anymore bleeding and everything was looking good! RELIEF!! I didn't realize how much I wanted this pregnancy, until I thought that I might lose it! We could finally breath again. Nothing too interesting or exciting happened for the rest of April or May.
I will leave you with some pictures from Disney!!
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